Sean Feucht, the Christian singer who has stood up against COVID-19 restrictions on places of worship, was criticized last week after he held a parking lot concert in Southern California that drew up to 2,5000 attendees who were standing shoulder-to-shoulder with hardly a face mask to be seen.
The concert occurred last Thursday night in the parking lot of Higher Vision Church, in Valencia, a neighborhood in Los Angeles county. The event was a New Year’s Eve celebration, but it was also meant to make a statement about mask-wearing and the government crackdown on places of worship during the coronavirus outbreak.
“The lost need Jesus and we must boldly preach him,” Feucht tweeted after the event. “No backing down!!!”
Church leaders in Southern California have lashed out against the state’s ruling on services during the outbreak. ABC 7 reported that, at one point, religious services were completely prohibited for 99.1 percent of Californians. These leaders said churches were unfairly targeted because, at the same time these buildings were closed, big box stores and shopping malls were allowed to operate with capacity limits.
Videos emerging from the concert showed attendees standing next to each other and signing along with Feucht. The singer posted one video on social media and wrote, “I refuse to allow a virus with a 99% survival rate keep me from plundering hell to populate heaven!!!”
Feucht is behind “Let Us Worship” rallies across the U.S. that focus on religious liberty.
TRENDPOST: To date, Los Angeles county, with 10.1 million people, has recorded 10,700 deaths or one-tenth of 1 percent of the population. Yet, despite this minuscule percentage, which is NEVER reported by the mainstream media, politicians have imposed draconian lockdown rules that have destroyed thousands of businesses and devasted hundreds of thousands of lives in the county. 

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