Author: Gerald Celente

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Altruism finds its heart on the Internet

Every morning, without fail, my wife turns her attention to the greater good while she sips her first cup of tea. She steers her browser to a website ( where, with a click of the mouse, she can donate a few cents to ameliorate world hunger, fund autism treatment and research, and support the work...



Altruism will find an even broader and more comfortable home in the digital world in 2014, which will fuel giving and meaningful, focused acts of charity across the globe. Here are some sites that will be leading the charge: creates crowdfunding sites for individuals, groups and organizations to raise money for medical issues, education...


Wake-up call: Confronting the abuse of power head-on

The future has never been clearer. If societies continue on the current path set by major political leaders, financial powers, multinational interests and military forces, we can forecast with full confidence that tomorrow will bring more sorrow than joy, more hardship than prosperity, more war than peace, more physical and mental illness than strong bodies...



Trendpost As the Fed accelerate its taper program, we forecast market fundamentals beyond Fed control will push interest rates higher. And since this has been an interest rate recovery (see “The Interest Rate Recovery,” Trends Journal, Spring 2013), the higher rates go, the deeper the economy will sink. Therefore, in its effort to avoid economic...


March to economic madness

Back in June 2013, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke proposed to taper — and possibly end — the Fed’s unprecedented $85 billion a month purchases of mortgage-backed securities and Treasuries, stock markets tumbled and bond yields rose. The Dow Jones Industrials and the Standard & Poor’s 500 each fell 1.4 percent. The Nasdaq composite...


Grim trend lines with glimmers of opportunity

This is my 34th year of forecasting trends. For the past dozen or so, when analyzing the trends that would shape much of the year ahead, I would say, “How sad, the future looks less promising than the past.” Unfortunately, I’ve been right. Each year ends worse than the year before. And I’m not alone. Along with indisputable...


Hits and misses on some Trends 2000 forecasts

Prediction: The health/fitness/nutrition trend will go into an accelerated growth stage driven by an aging baby-boom population.Result: Back then Whole Foods was not a national name. Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers were all people knew about losing weight. Nutrition was something that only “health nuts” cared about. The  fitness biz has now become a staple...


We’ve only just begun to play

Since the days of pre-antiquity, people of every culture and society have crafted objects and devices for the sole purpose of entertainment. From Senet, the ancient Egyptian board game, to dice, cards and on to Wii U, ingenuity and creativity have been poured into ways to escape the rigors of daily life. Video games, a...


“Real” healthy food joints have the edge

While the healthy fast food trend is now fully powered, there is a difference between familiar chains, which add healthier choices that still rely on processed preparation and ingredients, and the upstarts, which emphasize organic and whole foods. The latter players in this market are built on the concept of providing healthy whole foods, while...


Healthy fast food brings fat profits

It’s been nearly 15 years since Jared Fogle famously lost a couple hundred pounds on a diet of Subway sandwiches, introducing us all to the improbable notion that fast food could be good for you. Yet there he was, 6’2’’ and a trim 200 pounds. It seemed almost preposterous that an American fast food eatery...

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