Remember when the “health experts” were pumping thalidomide? For years, just like the drug dealer gang was selling estrogen, anyone delivering the hard facts of their deadliness was castrated by the Presstitutes and demeaned as being scientifically ignorant.
Now they are doing an aspirin 180. Thus, if health officials can’t get something right that has been used for years to ward off heart disease, as they falsely claimed, why should the public trust a gene therapy vaccine for COVID-19?
Last week, a U.S. panel of media anointed “experts” said it strongly discourages individuals 60 and older from starting a daily regimen of low-dose aspirin to prevent heart disease and stroke, citing evidence that the risk of side effects are greater than the possible benefit from taking the drug.
The New York Times reported that the proposed guidelines do not apply to patients who have already started the baby aspirin regimen or those who have already had a heart attack.
“There’s no longer a blanket statement that everybody who’s at increased risk for heart disease, even though they never had a heart attack, should be on aspirin,” Dr. Chien-Wen Tseng, a member of the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force, said, according to the paper. “We need to be smarter at matching primary prevention to the people who will benefit the most and have the least risk of harm.”
Cardiovascular disease is blamed for one in three deaths in the U.S. and is the country’s top cause of death. The task force said that about 605,000 Americans have their first heart attack and 610,000 experience their first stroke every year.
Genetics play a role in some of these cases, but many Americans are inactive and have a sedentary lifestyle. (See “COKE’S PROFITS SPARKLE: GOOD AND BAD” and “DRINK LOTS OF SODA AND DIE.”)
Prevention magazine reported that in 2016, the task force recommended that adults from 50 to 59 with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease—and without a history of excessive bleeding—should take the low dose of aspirin.
But doctors found that aspirin—even in low doses—can cause internal bleeding relatively soon after a patient starts using the drug. Dr. Amit Khera, an author of the new guidelines, said the task force studied literature and “found that the net balance is not favorable for most people—there was more bleeding than heart attacks prevented.”
“And this isn’t nose bleeds, this can be bleeding in the brain,” he said.
The drug is also no longer recommended to prevent colorectal cancer, which is considered one of the deadliest forms in the U.S.
TRENDPOST: The panel’s decision to stop recommending aspirin to prevent heart disease is further proof that doctors and scientists continue to lead the public astray only to backtrack after they can no longer hide the true numbers of those who have suffered and died from their deadly advice. 
Yet, despite their long track record of drug induced failures, the general public still believes what the drug “experts” declare…  just as the masses bought what “health officials” who’ve been promoting COVID-19 vaccines are selling them. And anyone questioning the drug dealers is condemned by the media and general public as being nuts not to swallow their advice.

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