As we’ve been reporting, Americans are fattening up, ditching their morning bowl of cereal for junk food… or what the “marketers” label “high-protein items” that they gobble down at fast food joints. 

Kellogg, the giant manufacturer of such familiar cereals as Frosted Flakes, Special K, and Rice Krispies, reported that cereal sales in North America dropped 4.8 percent in the third quarter.

But the good news is their “snack sales,” such as Pringles, increased 5.2 percent, which bumped up their stocks by 3 percent.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Eat just 14 Pringle chips and take in 150 calories, 9 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat and 160 milligrams of sodium … with the grand total of one gram of fiber, and you can see why America ranks first in obesity. 

A study conducted by the New York University School of Medicine found that the closer children live to fast-food restaurants, the greater their chances of being overweight. A half or full block away from a fast-food venue makes the most difference.

Approximately 20 percent of kids who live half a block away from a fast-food joint are obese, and 38 percent overweight.

Other studies revealed that one in four city children aged 12 to 19 are overweight or obese. Levels of obesity are highest among male, minority, and poor children.

TREND FORECAST: As we have continually noted, a major trend opportunity that is far from being maximized are “Whole Health Healing” weight loss programs beyond Weight Watchers and other mainstream dietary programs. 

OnTrendpreneur® opportunity of the century: Counseling on what to eat, when to eat it, how to prepare it, what exercise programs to engage in, vitamins to take, etc., should be done on a personalized level without the intrusive “buy from me” sales pitch.

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