A peace rally like no other

Occupy Peace is an initiative The Trends Research Institute announced last fall to replace the talk of war with the talk of peace,  to replace the action of war with the action of peace.

In a few short months, we kick off this bold campaign. We have changed the date from May 2 to Sunday, September 20, the day before the International Day of Peace when more global attention is given to peace, though our initiative is much more than just a rally.  On September 20, we will launch Occupy Peace, a peace movement like no other. It is designed to create and distribute the tools necessary to promote peace as a means to prosperity across the country.

Occupy Peace will launch at the heart of the oldest intersection in the nation. At the corners of Crown and John streets in Kingston, New York, stand four magnificent pre-Revolutionary War structures. The institute and its affiliates operate from three; the fourth is a county-run museum.

The rally, which we expect to be massive, is about action — not just standing up for peace. In the weeks and months ahead, institute staff and contributors will work with volunteers across the nation to form the strategy to reinstate the core values that built our country. They include: No foreign entanglements. Build our communities. Don’t build other nations.

Occupy Peace will show you how. It will show you that peace is good for the soul, good for the country, good for business. Peace brings prosperity.

So help us. Help us make the rally and movement take root. Sign up, donate, send us your ideas; thousands already have done so at Occupypeace.us

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