Unspoken and mostly forgotten in the United States, especially among the so-called “liberals,” is the illegal Iraq War launched by President George W. Bush in March 2003, which was based on his lies that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
Now, 17 years later, with trillions spent, millions killed, and the nation bombed into ruins, last Friday, the Pentagon announced a one-third reduction in the U.S. military presence in Iraq, leaving some 3,500 U.S. troops and mercenaries in the war-torn nation.
General Frank McKenzie, head of the U.S. Central Command, stated, “There’s going to be a requirement for us, our NATO and our coalition partners to have a long-term presence in Iraq.” Yet, he added, “We don’t want to maintain a huge number of soldiers forever in Iraq.”
At this time, it is estimated that up to 2,500 coalition troops will stay on.
Last November, a study by the Pew Research Center found that 64 percent of military veterans felt the war in Iraq was not worth the continued deaths and injuries to American troops.
When running for president in 2016, Donald Trump made headlines during a Republican debate when he referred to the Iraq war as a “horrible mistake.” He is also on record as saying it’s time to stop “endless wars.”
At a White House briefing on Monday, President Trump stated that Pentagon top officials probably don’t like him “because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
TRENDPOST: Speaking out of both sides of his mouth, while President Trump denounces the Pentagon for not liking him, under his administration, he promoted and signed into law substantial military budget increases.
His $740.5 billion military budget for 2021, even when adjusted for inflation, was the largest since World War II.
We forecast that before Election Day, to boost his chances of winning a second term in the White House, President Trump will announce peace deals with Afghanistan and North Korea.

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