Never, in the history of the world, have we witnessed such insanity.
Politicians across the globe, power-hungry narcissists sucking off the public tit for most of their lives – little boys and girls whose Daddy got them there or they bought and sold their way up to the top – are destroying life on Earth.
We are heading into a socioeconomic and geopolitical cataclysm the likes of which we have never seen… and are beyond the vision of the brainwashed masses.
Programed by ideologies and institutions they were taught to believe in, they lack the foresight and courage to Think for Themselves.
Instead, they believe what they are told by those whom they believe in.
It’s not a “sign of the times” – it’s been this way throughout written history.
Name the war, name the plague, name the violence, name the destruction, name the rulers, name the generals….
Don’t you remember?
Didn’t you go to school and take history classes?
Don’t you remember taking tests and having to remember the dates and places of catastrophes?
The masses of the world are brainwashed into subservience.
Imagine the levels of stupidity coupled with arrogance.
Adults who succumb to a class of political freaks of comic-book character, idiotically repeating everything they are told by media Presstitutes who get paid to put out by their corporate whoremasters and government pimps.
Get in discussion with them about the COVID War, and they will repeat, line for line, what they heard or read from their junk news sources.
Trapped in closed minds, they can’t see today and are blinded by the future.
Go back to the beginning of the COVID War when politicians started to “shelter-in-place” nations, states, and cities.
Whenever there was a mention of the economic toll it would take, the liberal mind believed, “It will come back.”
It hasn’t come back.
As we have forecast, it will get much worse if most of the world stays the course of current COVID Lockdown Rules and Regulations.
Take a look outside. The streets are dead!
People are masked up, afraid to go out, go to work, send their kids to school.
Week after week, we keep reporting the facts.
Travel, tourism, hospitality, restaurant, retail, entertainment, trade shows, conventions … from weddings to funerals and all the related industries that serve them are economically decimated.
Businesses, lives, and livelihoods destroyed in the blink of an eye by politicians who, without asking “We the People” (the plantation workers of Slavelandia), took it upon themselves to lock down billions of lives to fight a virus of minimal destruction.
Yes, minimal, as we report with hard facts and scientific data in this Trends Journal and all of our previous issues since the COVID War began.
Indeed, Anthony Freda’s brilliant Trends Journal covers speak thousands of words, and this one says it all about how the masses were “DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE BUSH’S WAR, DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THE COVID WAR”:

Yes, by the facts in the Trends Journal, the coronavirus is as deadly and threatening to our lives… as were Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.
Media hype and political bullshit, swallowed by the masses then… are swallowing it now in a country near you.
And as we have written since the outbreak of the COVID War, just as politicians start murderous wars that cost trillions and kill millions with no exit strategy, so, too, with the COVID War.
If the COVID War is not stopped now, the consequences will prove deadly and the devastation will be irreparable.
The closing down of world economies has wrought unparalleled levels of despair, misery, and suffering to billions who have lost their livelihoods.
We are at war.
Today’s current events forming future trends are the bleakest I’ve seen in my 40 years of trend forecasting.
Unite with us to restore freedom.
I put my money where my heart is.
In 2014, I launched “Occupy Peace.”
And, on the 4th of July, against Governor Cuomo’s orders, I held a “Unite for Peace and Restore Freedom” rally on the Four Corners of Freedom in Kingston, New York. Judge Andrew Napolitano, who spoke about the loss of our Constitutional and Bill of Rights, was the featured speaker.
Please do what you can. Support us in any way you wish.
The future is in your hands.

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